Veterans and Opioids: Managing Pain and Recovery Strategies

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Last updated: 06/26/2024

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Last Updated - 06/26/2024

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Key Takeaways

  • Veterans with service-related injuries often receive opioids for pain management, leading to potential misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD).
  • Factors like military sexual trauma and mental health issues increase the risk of OUD among veterans.
  • Access to healthcare and programs like the VA’s Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution are crucial for preventing opioid misuse.
  • Physical, psychological, and social impacts of opioid use among veterans are profound, with co-occurring mental health disorders exacerbating the risk.
  • The VA’s Opioid Safety Initiative and other strategies aim to reduce opioid prescriptions and enhance pain management.
  • Alternative pain management strategies, including physical therapy and mental health support, are essential for effective treatment.
  • Policy recommendations focus on comprehensive care, education, and research to mitigate opioid use among veterans.

Exploring the Nature and Types of Service-Related Injuries in Veterans

Service-related injuries are prevalent among veterans and can significantly impact their quality of life. These injuries can be physical, such as limb amputations or back injuries, or psychological, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. The National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI), through its Institute for Special Populations Research (ISPR), is examining opioid-related risk behaviors among veterans, acknowledging that combat or service-related injuries often result in the prescription of opioids (POs) for pain management. However, the misuse of these medications can lead to unmonitored dose escalation and risky behaviors, especially when combined with other substances or alcohol.

Opioid Use Prevalence Among Veterans with Service-Related Injuries

The prevalence of opioid use among veterans, particularly those with service-related injuries, is a critical public health concern. 

Key studies and statistics include the following: 

  • According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the opioid overdose crisis has significantly affected U.S. military veterans, with overdose mortality rates rising by 53% from 2010 to 2019. Factors contributing to this increase include chronic pain management, mental health issues, and the high incidence of military sexual trauma, which may lead to self-medication with opioids.
  • A review of health records revealed that veterans with a history of military sexual trauma are 50% more likely to be diagnosed with an opioid use disorder (OUD) than their counterparts without such a history. 
  • A report found a 60% reduction in the receipt of annual opioid prescriptions among military members from 2016 to 2021, indicating progress in opioid management within the military community.

It is evident that while there are efforts to address opioid misuse, the prevalence of OUD among veterans remains a significant issue that requires targeted interventions and support systems to mitigate the risk and provide adequate care for those affected by service-related injuries and the associated challenges.

Factors Contributing to Elevated Opioid Use in Veterans

U.S. military veterans are at a heightened risk for opioid use and overdose due to a confluence of factors stemming from service-related injuries and the unique challenges of transitioning back to civilian life. Research has shown that veterans die from opioid-related overdoses at roughly twice the rate of the general population, highlighting the severity of the issue.

Factor 1: Management of Acute and Chronic Pain

One of the primary reasons for high opioid use among veterans is the management of acute and chronic pain resulting from service-related injuries. The prevalence of pain and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in this demographic has led to a reliance on opioid analgesics, which, while effective for pain relief, carry a high risk of addiction and overdose.

Factor 2: PTSD and Other Mental Health Disorders

Moreover, veterans with PTSD or other mental health disorders are more likely to receive higher doses of opioids, and research suggests a practice of self-medicating psychological and emotional pain with opioids, particularly among those with a history of military sexual trauma.

Factor 3: Lack of Access to Healthcare Services

Another factor is the lack of access to healthcare services and low utilization rates of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Veterans who do not connect with the VHA may miss out on important resources for substance use disorders and alternative pain management strategies. Additionally, the stigma associated with substance use and mental health issues can lead to social isolation and reluctance to seek traditional services.

Overall, the intersection of physiological pain, mental health concerns, and social factors such as stigma and access to care contribute to the elevated risk of opioid use among veterans. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including the development of comprehensive pain management programs, mental health support, and community-based models of care.

Exploring the Multifaceted Impact of Opioid Use on Veterans

The opioid crisis has significantly affected U.S. military veterans, with a notable increase in drug overdose mortality rates among this group. Research has highlighted the complex interplay of factors contributing to opioid use and its consequences for veterans. The physical, psychological, and social impacts are profound and multifaceted, often exacerbated by co-occurring mental health disorders such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety, which can increase vulnerability to opioid misuse and overdose.

Understanding Opioid Use Disorder in Veterans

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) represents a significant challenge among military veterans, with its prevalence, symptoms, and effects posing serious concerns for this population. A review of risk factors and prevention efforts indicates that drug overdose mortality rates among U.S. military veterans increased by 53% from 2010 to 2019. This alarming trend underscores the need for targeted interventions and support systems tailored to the unique experiences of veterans. Research highlights the intersection of mental health disorders and OUD, with veterans diagnosed with PTSD or other mental health issues more likely to receive opioid prescriptions, and consequently, at a higher risk of developing OUD.

OUD Co-Occurrence with Mental Health Conditions

Substance use disorders, including OUD, often co-occur with mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. For veterans, the prevalence of co-occurring disorders is particularly high, with up to 93% of those diagnosed with an SUD also having a comorbid mental health disorder. This dual diagnosis complicates treatment and increases the risk of adverse outcomes, such as inpatient admissions and opioid-related accidents. Studies suggest that veterans with a history of military sexual trauma are also at an increased risk for OUD, possibly due to self-medication of psychological pain.

Strategies for Managing Opioid Use in Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has implemented several strategies to combat opioid use among veterans, particularly those with service-related injuries. The VA’s approach is multifaceted, addressing the complex needs of veterans through various programs and initiatives. One of the cornerstone efforts is the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI), launched in 2013, which aims to reduce opioid overuse and enhance pain management strategies.

Strategy 1: Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI)

The OSI has made significant strides, evidenced by a notable decrease in the number of veterans dispensed opioids. By mid-2016, there was a 25% reduction in opioid prescriptions compared to mid-2012. This initiative also led to the development of the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain, providing evidence-based recommendations for practitioners.

Strategy 2: Education and Training for Healthcare Providers

Further, the VA emphasizes education and training for healthcare providers on discipline-specific competencies related to pain management and safe opioid use. The integration of non-pharmacological modalities and evidence-based medication prescribing is also a key focus. The VA’s comprehensive approach includes enhancing opioid stewardship, evaluating prescribing practices, and implementing risk mitigation strategies to improve opioid safety.

Strategy 3: Expanding Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)

Expanding access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) is another critical element. The VA strives to overcome barriers to MOUD, such as provider stigma and system-wide inconsistencies, by developing and implementing person-centered MOUD systems of care. This includes pilot programs using mobile technology to provide treatment for veterans facing homelessness.

These concerted efforts by the VA reflect a robust commitment to addressing opioid misuse among veterans, aiming to improve their quality of life and health outcomes.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies to Combat Opioid Use Among Veterans

The opioid crisis has necessitated a range of strategies to mitigate its impact, especially among veterans with service-related injuries. A comprehensive approach includes reduced opioid prescribing, prescription monitoring programs (PMPs), and harm reduction measures such as naloxone availability and syringe exchange programs. Studies indicate mixed results, with some strategies showing promise in reducing opioid overdose deaths, while others have limited effectiveness.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)

Prescription drug monitoring programs, for instance, have been implemented to ensure appropriate prescribing of opioids, but their outcomes have been inconsistent. Some research suggests that PDMPs may not substantially decrease overdose deaths or opioid consumption. On the other hand, evidence supports the effectiveness of educational initiatives, clinical practice modifications, and public campaigns in promoting the appropriate use of opioids.

Harm Reduction Strategies

Moreover, harm reduction strategies, including naloxone distribution and opioid substitution programs, have shown efficacy in reducing the ill effects of opioid use and overdose. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight the importance of evidence-based strategies, such as establishing peer support services, in preventing opioid overdose. However, the challenge remains in ensuring these strategies are widely adopted and tailored to meet the unique needs of veterans suffering from service-related injuries.

Exploring Alternative Pain Management Strategies for Veterans

For veterans coping with service-related injuries, managing pain without relying on opioids is a critical concern. 

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is one such alternative, which operates by activating large fiber neurons to inhibit pain transmission at the spinal cord. While the evidence for TENS in treating neuropathic pain and conditions like fibromyalgia is mixed, some systematic reviews suggest moderate support for its use in specific pain syndromes. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf provides a comprehensive overview of TENS and other non-opioid medications used for pain relief, including NSAIDs, acetaminophen, steroids, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and topical treatments.

Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)

Another promising approach is Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS), which has shown high levels of evidence supporting its use for lumbar failed back surgery syndrome and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Radiofrequency ablation, a technique for nerve denervation, also offers potential for long-term pain reduction in cervical and lumbar spine pain. Sympathetic nerve blocks (SNBs) are particularly useful in treating CRPS, where sympathetic hyperactivity plays a role in pain.

Ongoing Research into Non-Opioid Treatments

Research into non-opioid treatments for chronic pain is ongoing, with promising developments such as a new molecule identified by researchers that reduces hypersensitivity in animal trials. This could lead to novel non-opioid therapeutics, as suggested by ScienceDaily. The American Medical Association and the NIH HEAL Initiative support the exploration of non-opioid alternatives, emphasizing individualized patient care that incorporates a range of therapies from physical therapy to innovative drug treatments.

Physical Therapy as an Alternative to Opioids for Service-Related Injury Pain Management

Physical therapy (PT) has emerged as a critical component in managing chronic pain associated with service-related injuries, offering a viable alternative to opioid medications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended reducing opioid prescriptions in favor of safer options like PT due to the potential for abuse and addiction linked to opioids. PT not only addresses pain relief but also aims to improve function and mobility, which can be particularly beneficial for veterans suffering from musculoskeletal pain.

Physical Therapy’s Effectiveness on Pain Management

According to the CDC’s guidelines, high-quality evidence supports the effectiveness of PT in reducing pain and enhancing physical function in conditions such as low back pain, fibromyalgia, and hip and knee osteoarthritis. Furthermore, early intervention with physical therapy has been shown to potentially reduce the reliance on opioids, as indicated by a study on chronic lower back pain. This approach aligns with the CDC’s guidance on chronic pain management, which emphasizes non-pharmacologic interventions.

Overall, physical therapy presents a promising path for veterans to manage pain from service-related injuries effectively, potentially reducing the need for opioids and improving their quality of life.

Integrating Mental Health Support in Pain Management for Veterans

Effective pain management for veterans with service-related injuries extends beyond physical treatments to include robust mental health support. Mental health plays a crucial role in both the experience of pain and the potential for opioid misuse. Research indicates that mental health disorders and opioid use are often interconnected, with a significant number of individuals with opioid use disorder also experiencing mental illness. For instance, the NIH HEAL Initiative emphasizes the need to address mental health as part of the comprehensive approach to opioid addiction and pain management.

Ultimately, addressing the mental health needs of veterans is critical for improving pain management outcomes and reducing reliance on opioids. It is essential that pain management programs for veterans incorporate mental health support to provide a holistic approach to treatment, fostering resilience and recovery.

Strategic Policy Recommendations for Mitigating Opioid Use Among Veterans

Addressing the opioid crisis among veterans requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates evidence-based strategies and considers the unique challenges faced by this population. The following policy recommendations are proposed to mitigate opioid use among veterans with service-related injuries:

  • Enhanced Access to Comprehensive Care: Improve veterans’ access to healthcare services, including mental health support, to address the underlying issues of chronic pain, PTSD, and other related conditions.
  • Whole-Person Approach: Implement a biopsychosocial framework that integrates treatment of physiological, psychological, and sociological factors contributing to opioid use disorder (OUD).
  • Education and Prevention: Increase education efforts on the risks of opioid use and the availability of alternative pain management strategies.
  • VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines: Continue to update and disseminate the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of opioid therapy for chronic pain, ensuring that they reflect the latest research and clinical best practices.
  • Opioid Safety Initiative: Expand the reach and resources of the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI) to provide veterans with the tools and knowledge necessary to use opioids safely when necessary.
  • Community Care Models: Explore community care models to extend support to veterans not currently utilizing VA services.
  • Co-Occurring Substance Use Treatment: Address co-occurring substance use by expanding medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and integrating care outside of specialty settings.
  • Research and Data Sharing: Encourage ongoing research into the efficacy of opioid use interventions and promote data sharing to inform policy and treatment strategies.

These recommendations aim to reduce reliance on opioids and improve the overall health outcomes for veterans, acknowledging the complex interplay of factors that contribute to opioid misuse and addiction.

Substance Use Treatment at The Recovery Village Indianapolis Drug and Alcohol Rehab

For those seeking alcohol addiction treatment, The Recovery Village Indianapolis Drug and Alcohol Rehab stands as a beacon of hope. Located within the heart of Indy, we offer a comprehensive array of treatment options, including medical detox, inpatient care, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient services. 

When you or a loved one are ready to embark on the path to recovery, our Recovery Advocates are here, ready to assist. Reach out to learn more about our tailored treatment programs, designed to cater to your specific needs and situation.


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